Extract from LENDF 12th February 2015 Minutes …
An outline application has been submitted to the Council with comments/objections to be sent in by 26th February.
In Wigan Council’s Core Strategy the land is ‘safeguarded’ for houses but ‘access’ is a major concern for residents of the existing estate.
LENDF and Cllr Grundy had met with Persimmon last year who had stated that providing an access to the Atherleigh Way would be too costly. The Council’s own infrastructure plans for the future shows aspirations for a connection between Pocket Nook and the Bypass and Persimmon’s proposals would disturb this ‘future-proofing’ of the rest of the land.
Cllr Grundy will be attend a Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday 17th February and at that point will ask Mike Worden (temporarily acting as Head Planner) for a meeting to discuss the Persimmon proposals.
Application No. A/15/80373/OUTMAJ.
This application refers to a proposal by Persimmon Homes to build approximately 150
houses to the rear of Abbey Road, Lowton, with vehicular access through Canaan and
Glastonbury Avenue.
Click on the link above, tick the ‘Accept’ box. Then enter the application number and click search.
You will then need to click the application number in order to see the full list of documents.