Lowton East Neighbourhood Development Forum
Current Issues: Housing Developments
November 2013
The Council have produced an Infrastructure Assessment for Golborne and Lowton which includes proposals for amendments/widening of the major junctions in the village. Together with drawings of a possible bypass for Lane Head and a link road using Pocket Nook Lane to the Atherleigh Way.
This document is going before the Council’s Cabinet meeting on 21st November 2013.
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Updated November 2015
This 2015 update has a base date of 1 April 2015. It takes account of any changes since 1 April 2013 including planning permissions, houses under construction and completions. It also includes any suitable new sites which
have been proposed since April 2013, arising from landholder / developer interest or as a result of site information from within the council. It also removes sites that are no longer considered to have potential for housing,
including sites secured for non-residential uses.